Tuesday 10 June 2014

Similarities and Differences from Yellowknife to Surrey


We noticed that there are a few similarities between Yellowknife and Surrey. We both can go to the beach in the Summer and go swimming! We also can play at the Park. There is a park at the beach that we can play at. There is lots of climbing stuff we can play on. We can both go skiing. We go cross-country skiing. We both have lots of animals, birds and fish.


We noticed there are lots of differences between Yellowknife and Surrey. We have differences because of where we live. Our climate is cold and Surrey's is mild. We get really cold winters with some snow that sticks around for a long time. Surrey gets a lot of rain. We don't get very much rain at all. In Surrey, you can go downhill skiing because you have mountains. We have flat land with a few hills. We also noticed that you have fertile soil. We have lots of rock and not a lot of soil. It is hard to plant stuff here, so we don't have farms. It sounds like you have lots of tall trees. We only have short skinny trees! The last thing we noticed that was different was that most of our fish are fresh-water fish and yours are salt water because you live on the ocean and we live on Great Slave Lake!

So many differences we would love to all visit Surrey!