Word Wall Words/Chunks

November 12-29th

-ain, -ane, -ock

Word Wall Words
who, what, why, here, could, again

November 4th-8th

-all, -at, -ill, -ite, -ight

Word Wall Words
were, people, where, rain, how, small, right

September 23rd-27th

there, was, into, went, then, have, they, are

What to do with the chunks at home?
-Brainstorm as many words that end in that word chunk
-Compare how many words you made with another family member
-Make a rhyming poem with words that end in the same chunk

What to do at home with the word wall words?
-Practice spelling these correctly
-Make flash cards to work on recognizing these words quickly
-Put the words into sentences or write a story using these words

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