Monday 10 March 2014

Inuit Games

We had fun in our Inuit Games. Annie came to visit us at Range Lake. She taught us a few Inuit Games. They were tiring!! We had to do jumping contests and a laughing contest.
 Here Annie is showing us her Seal Skin boots. They keep her feet warm and dry throughout the year!
Here are the kids competing against each other in a leg jumping contest. Ms. Betts and Mrs. Hawthorn battled each other. It was quite the workout! Mrs. Hawthorn finally won.


  1. It is great to see the kids learning about the people of the North ,enjoying themselves and getting exercise at the same time. Keep up the good work
    Jake's Poppy

    1. Thank you for commenting on our blog. We always have fun at school!

  2. Wow! How hard was the jumping contest? What did you have to do? In the laughing contest was it the first person to laugh was out or was it who laughed the hardest? Don't forget to check our blog because we responded to your comment.

    1. The jumping contest was hard! Ms. Betts was out of breath! We had to start with our feet together, then we had to jump and push our legs out and land with our feet together again. In the laughing contest it was who laughed first! The person who got out had to do a funny dance in the middle.
      Thanks for checking out our blog!

  3. I love these games! The laughing one must have been pretty funny!! :) from HB's Mamma

  4. this class is awesome.I love this class

  5. I did so good on recreation
    I like my progect

  6. 3b is awesome on math they are very good i am so happy great job! from taylor

  7. 3B is doing a great job on our projects from Desmond
