Friday 16 May 2014

Duck Soup

We were so fortunate to have Ava's Dad come into our class to make Duck Soup! It was not an easy task and it certainly was messy! He hunted the Ducks from a local spot and brought them in to share with us. He explained to us the importance of respecting the Ducks for giving their life to us, so we can have food. We started out making our soup by plucking all of the Duck feathers out. Then Ava's Dad took them home to singe the remaining feathers off. Next he brought them back and we cut the Ducks up to get all the meat for the soup. The students chopped celery and carrots to add extra flavour! Last we had our friends from Pre-K to our class to enjoy the delicious soup! Thank you Ava's Dad and Mom for making Duck soup with us.

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