Friday 16 May 2014

Sunflowers: From Seed to Plant

3B has been studying all about plants. With Mother's Day that was coming up 3B thought it would be perfect to plant a sunflower seed for our mothers to show just how much we appreciate them (and of course Ms. Betts was happy to connect it to our plant unit!). We started off by putting rich soil into our pots and digging a small hole in the soil. We dropped a sunflower seed into the hole and carefully packed the soil on top. We watered our sunflowers and placed them in the sunlight to watch what happened... We made sure to water them each day. It was so much fun to come in each morning to see our sunflowers sprouting. We did lots of reading on sunflowers and learned all about the parts of our sunflowers and what the function of each part is! We learned that plants make their own food in their leaves in a process called photosynthesis!We sent our flowers home in hopes that they will be planted and will bloom this summer! Hope all our moms loved their sunflowers!


  1. The sunflower was a great Mother's Day surprise! The sunflower that Jake brought home is about 17 inches tall now and has 14 leaves. I can't wait to see the sunflower when it comes out later this summer. Thanks 3B!

    Jake's Mom

  2. my mom love her flower by madison
