Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Patterns That Keep On Growing...

Check out the patterns we made in 3B! We are working on increasing patterns. These patterns get BIGGER as we build them. We always follow a rule to tell us how to build our pattern and how to add to it! What do you know about patterns?

We can work together to build our patterns!

 These patterns just kept on growing!
Can you tell what rule these students used to create their pattern?

Monday 9 September 2013


What a great first week we had in our class! It has been so much fun getting to know each other this week. As a class we have been busy brainstorming classroom expectations. We thought if we followed three simple rules we would have a great year! We are practicing being respectful of our self, others and our environment. So far, we are doing great! We have been learning how to be safe online. Can you remember what YAPPY means? It will help you to surf smart on the Internet! Keep your eyes open in the hallways soon. We have decorated a smart cookie and given you our secret recipe of what it takes to be a "Smart Cookie"! Here we are in the picture making our cookies!

Thursday 5 September 2013

We are 3B

Welcome to our class blog. We are an awesome class of grade threes and we have 22 students in our class! We go to Range Lake North School. It's in Yellowknife. Yellowknife is an extreme place. It is in the north part of Canada. It gets SUPER cold in the Winter! Sometimes it gets to -50 degrees Celsius. We can't go outside at Recess when it is this cold out! It snows a lot up here and our lakes freeze over. Yellowknife is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights! We also have Great Slave Lake. It is one of the deepest lakes in Canada. Yellowknife is a small city, but we LOVE it! Our class is special because we are respectful of ourselves, others and our environment. We are super students! We are great at reading. We are building STAMINA and learning to stay focused during reading time. We are really good at Math. We have a Number Wonder wall to help us with our numbers. We are a safe class and love to blog. Thanks for visiting our blog!