Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Patterns That Keep On Growing...

Check out the patterns we made in 3B! We are working on increasing patterns. These patterns get BIGGER as we build them. We always follow a rule to tell us how to build our pattern and how to add to it! What do you know about patterns?

We can work together to build our patterns!

 These patterns just kept on growing!
Can you tell what rule these students used to create their pattern?


  1. I love 3b makena

  2. hi I love 3b with the paterns

  3. Wow! You know a lot about patterns! We're learning about patterns too! We took pictures of our patterns using our iPads. Do you have iPads in your class? Our class name is the Cheetahs. What is your class name? We would LOVE to be blogging buddies with you! We did the Terry Fox run today (Thursday, Sept. 26) Did you do the Terry Fox run at your school? Write back soon!

    from the Cheetahs

  4. Hi ,My name is Savanna, I am one of the students from Mrs. Betts class the cheetahs.

    do you have a class name?

  5. hey do you have a class pet?

  6. Hi, Iam with my freind. we are wondering if you have a class pet

    we do it is coleld nibilists

  7. Hi Cheetahs!
    We do have a class name, we are the Eagles! We chose to be the Eagles because they are smart like us and very strong. Why are you the Cheetahs? We would LOVE to be blog buddies.We don't have iPads in our class, but we do have tablets and iPods! Why do you have iPads in your class? What do you like to do on your iPad? We did do the Terry Fox run. We went around the block. How was yours? We know that Terry Fox had cancer, but he still tried to fulfill his dream. He has raised so much money. He is so special to Canada and he is a Hero to us.
    Blog back soon,
    From the Eagles

  8. miss.betts is the bom from symone
