Monday 9 September 2013


What a great first week we had in our class! It has been so much fun getting to know each other this week. As a class we have been busy brainstorming classroom expectations. We thought if we followed three simple rules we would have a great year! We are practicing being respectful of our self, others and our environment. So far, we are doing great! We have been learning how to be safe online. Can you remember what YAPPY means? It will help you to surf smart on the Internet! Keep your eyes open in the hallways soon. We have decorated a smart cookie and given you our secret recipe of what it takes to be a "Smart Cookie"! Here we are in the picture making our cookies!


  1. My favourite thing about 3B is all the awesome students in our class!

  2. i cant wat intal the amazing things war going to do this yeear

  3. my faverit thing about 3B is art and gym symone

  4. my faverit thing about 3B is writing storys an math from oleta

  5. It is nice reading all your write-ups and also good to take some time to proof read before posting.

    I will be posting some ideas on your site on a weakly bases and please take some time and read them and hopefully you will learn on or two things.

    Please always make out time to read one or two chapters of novel each day.

  6. Funtastic blog for students, parents, and teacher interaction.
