Thursday 5 September 2013

We are 3B

Welcome to our class blog. We are an awesome class of grade threes and we have 22 students in our class! We go to Range Lake North School. It's in Yellowknife. Yellowknife is an extreme place. It is in the north part of Canada. It gets SUPER cold in the Winter! Sometimes it gets to -50 degrees Celsius. We can't go outside at Recess when it is this cold out! It snows a lot up here and our lakes freeze over. Yellowknife is one of the best places to see the Northern Lights! We also have Great Slave Lake. It is one of the deepest lakes in Canada. Yellowknife is a small city, but we LOVE it! Our class is special because we are respectful of ourselves, others and our environment. We are super students! We are great at reading. We are building STAMINA and learning to stay focused during reading time. We are really good at Math. We have a Number Wonder wall to help us with our numbers. We are a safe class and love to blog. Thanks for visiting our blog!


  1. I love your blog. It was fun reading all about you and Yellowknife. I visited Yellowknife this summer and I know why you love living there. I went on a hike around Frame Lake and I also visited your classroom! I would love to see the Northern Lights the next time I come to visit. I teach a Grade 2/3 class in Surrey, British Columbia. Can you find that on a map? I hope we can be blogging buddies! Thanks for sharing some information about yourselves. I can't wait to show my class your blog!
    Mrs Betts
    Chantrell Creek Elementary
    Grade 2/3

  2. Thank you Mrs. Betts for checking out our blog! We would LOVE to be blog buddies with your class. Do you know about blog safety too? We know about YAPPY! Do you? Did you help set up Ms. Betts' class? We would like to see a picture of you and your class! Can you send one? How many kids are in your class?
    From 3B

    1. Thank you for replying to us. We know a little bit about blog safety but haven't seen YAPPY yet. Yes our teacher helped your teacher. Do you know why she helped your teacher? We can't send our picture yet because we haven't received our permission slip yet. There are 9 grade 2 kids and 15 grade 3s in our class.

      Write back soon
      Mrs. Betts

      Grade 2/3 Div. 9

  3. Hi 3B Class,

    Your blog looks great! We can't wait to see what you put on your blog this year and what you learn in grade three.

    Jake's Mom and Dad

  4. Mrs. Betts' class, you didn't tell us if we could be your blog buddies! Do you want to be?
    The Eagles (3B)

  5. Ms. Betts the platform to exchange comments is great. Hope it gives the kids chance to seek out new ideas and comments on the blog. 'leta's Dad
